Properly adjusting your garage door is vital for its functionality and longevity. A well-adjusted garage door ensures smooth operation, enhances security, and prevents unnecessary wear and tear. Understanding the importance of garage door adjustment is the first step towards maintaining a reliable and efficient garage door system.

When a garage door is not properly adjusted, it can cause a range of issues. One common problem is an imbalanced door, where one side hangs lower than the other. This can lead to excessive strain on the garage door opener, resulting in premature motor failure. Additionally, an improperly adjusted garage door can create gaps that compromise its insulation properties, allowing drafts and pests to enter the garage.

Signs That Your Garage Door Needs Adjustment

There are several signs that indicate your garage door may be in need of adjustment. One of the most obvious signs is if the door is not level when it is closed. If you notice gaps between the door and the ground or see that the door is crooked, it’s likely that an adjustment is necessary. Another sign is if your garage door is making excessive noise during operation. This could be due to misaligned tracks or worn-out rollers.

You may also experience issues with the garage door opener, such as it struggling to lift the door or reversing unexpectedly. These problems can be caused by improper tension in the garage door springs or misalignment of the tracks. It’s important to address these issues promptly to avoid further damage and ensure the safety of your garage door system.

Tools Needed for Garage Door Adjustment

Before you begin adjusting your garage door, it’s important to gather the necessary tools. Here are the tools you will need for a successful garage door adjustment:

Preparing Your Garage Door for Adjustment

Before adjusting your garage door, take the following steps to prepare the door and ensure your safety:

1. Disconnect the Power

2. Clear the Area

3. Wear Safety Glasses

Once you have prepared the garage door and ensured your safety, you can proceed with adjusting the tension and alignment of the door.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adjusting the Garage Door Tension

Adjusting the tension of your garage door springs is crucial for safe and efficient operation. Follow these steps to adjust the tension:

1. Identify the Type of Springs

2. Release Tension

3. Adjust Tension

4. Test the Tension

Garage Door Adjustment

Adjusting the Garage Door Track Alignment

Misaligned tracks can cause your garage door to operate unevenly or become stuck. Follow these steps to adjust the track alignment:

  1. Inspect the tracks: Check for any bends, dents, or obstructions in the tracks that may be causing misalignment. Use a level to ensure the tracks are straight.
  2. Loosen the track bolts: Loosen the bolts that secure the tracks to the wall or ceiling, allowing you to adjust the position of the tracks.
  3. Align the tracks: Gently tap the misaligned track with a rubber mallet to bring it back into alignment. Use a level to ensure the tracks are straight and parallel.
  4. Tighten the track bolts: Once the tracks are properly aligned, tighten the bolts to secure them in place.

Properly aligned tracks will ensure smooth and efficient operation of your garage door.

Lubricating the Garage Door Hinges and Rollers

Regular lubrication of your garage door hinges and rollers is essential for maintaining smooth and quiet operation. Follow these steps to lubricate your garage door:

  1. Clean the hinges and rollers: Use a soft cloth or brush to remove any dirt or debris from the hinges and rollers.
  2. Apply lubricant: Spray a silicone-based lubricant onto the hinges and rollers, ensuring thorough coverage.
  3. Wipe off excess lubricant: Use a clean cloth to wipe off any excess lubricant to prevent it from attracting dirt and dust.

Regular lubrication will extend the lifespan of your garage door hinges and rollers and prevent unnecessary wear and noise.

Troubleshooting Common Issues During Garage Door Adjustment

During the garage door adjustment process, you may encounter some common issues. Here are a few troubleshooting tips to help you overcome these challenges:

  1. Uneven closing: If your garage door closes unevenly, check the alignment of the tracks and make any necessary adjustments.
  2. Door reversal: If your garage door reverses immediately after touching the ground, adjust the downforce settings on your garage door opener.
  3. Excessive noise: If your garage door is making excessive noise, check for loose hardware and tighten any bolts or screws that may be causing the noise.
  4. Door sticking: If your garage door gets stuck during operation, inspect the tracks for any debris or obstructions and clean them thoroughly.

By troubleshooting these common issues, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free garage door adjustment process.

Regular Maintenance Tips for a Properly Adjusted Garage Door

Once you have successfully adjusted your garage door, it’s important to perform regular maintenance to keep it in optimal condition. Here are some maintenance tips to follow:

  1. Clean the tracks: Regularly clean the tracks to remove any dirt or debris that may cause misalignment or hinder smooth operation.
  2. Inspect the springs: Periodically inspect the garage door springs for signs of wear or damage. If you notice any issues, contact a professional for spring replacement.
  3. Test the safety features: Regularly test the safety features of your garage door, including the auto-reverse mechanism and the photo-eye sensors, to ensure they are functioning properly.
  4. Lubricate moving parts: Apply lubricant to the hinges, rollers, and other moving parts at least once a year to maintain smooth operation.

By following these maintenance tips, you can prolong the lifespan of your garage door and prevent costly repairs.


Mastering the art of garage door adjustment is essential for maintaining a properly functioning and reliable garage door system. By understanding the importance of garage door adjustment, recognizing signs that your garage door needs adjustment, and following a step-by-step guide, you can successfully adjust your garage door tension, align the tracks, and lubricate the hinges and rollers. Regular maintenance and troubleshooting common issues will ensure a properly adjusted garage door that operates smoothly and safely for years to come.

For expert assistance with garage door adjustment and repair, contact New Braunfels Garage Door Repair. Our team of professionals is ready to provide quality service and ensure your garage door is in optimal condition.

To schedule a garage door adjustment or for any other garage door repair in New Braunfels, TX, visit New Braunfels Garage Door Repair website at

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I adjust my garage door? 

Garage door adjustment should be done as needed. It is recommended to inspect your garage door regularly and make adjustments if you notice any signs of misalignment or imbalance.

Can I adjust the tension of my garage door springs myself? 

Adjusting the tension of garage door springs can be dangerous and should be done by a trained professional. Mishandling the springs can lead to serious injury or damage to the door.

How long does it take to adjust a garage door? 

The time required to adjust a garage door depends on the complexity of the issue and the level of adjustment needed. Simple adjustments may take as little as 30 minutes, while more extensive adjustments may take several hours.

What lubricant should I use for my garage door hinges and rollers? 

It is recommended to use a silicone-based lubricant for garage door hinges and rollers. Avoid using WD-40 or oil-based lubricants, as they can attract dirt and cause buildup.

Why is my garage door still not working properly after adjustment? 

If your garage door is still not working properly after adjustment, it may indicate a more significant issue. It is best to contact a professional garage door repair service to diagnose and resolve the problem.

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